Is Acne a Sign of Pregnancy?

As a teen you may have suffered from serious acne and eventually grew out of it. However after reaching adulthood you may begin to ask, is acne a sign of pregnancy? Not only are you feeling like you did as a teen but you also want to remove it as quick as possible. The point here is that yes, when becoming pregnant your acne will return. But this doesn’t mean that just because you have acne, you may be pregnant. Sometimes acne breakouts can occur because of many reasons like dirt on your skin or stress.

We all know how annoying acne can be as a teen and to have to completely removed just to come back again as an adult can be very frightening. While this is so it is comforting to know that you are not alone. Almost 50% of women have a re occurrence of acne in adult years, especially during a pregnancy. Having a breakout of acne while pregnant is totally normal and very common and this fact may help you deal with the acne much better than you thought.

Following the question is acne a sign of pregnancy usually comes why me? I am not going to lie, there are very few women who are very lucky and doesn’t experience acne during pregnancy or acne have been cleared up due to the pregnancy. However on a bigger scale, the average woman those just the opposite. There is no need to be alarmed; it is not staying there forever.

While the early stages of pregnancy the acne may be heavy but as time progresses and you estrogen levels increase, the acne would either clear up little by little or be completely removed. Depending on how you normally get acne will decide how your acne during pregnancy will be. Women who often have an acne breakout before their period may have a much harder time than women who don’t.

While this may be so it is still comforting to know that your pregnancy is way more important than your appearance. While you may not look as beautiful as you normally are, you are still pregnant with a baby boy or girl. That message is more comforting than news you can ever get. It is perfectly normal that you be concerned with yourself but at the same time it is very important that you don’t just give in to the acne and start yourself on any medication which you have not fully researched.

There are many acne medications that can actually harm your unborn baby and this is something you would never forgive yourself for. It is recommended that before using any acne medication you should have a consultation with our doctor. Your doctor will be able to give you the appropriate acne medication during pregnancy to clear away acne fast. Each individual may react differently to various acne medications hence the reason for being so couscous. So next time you hear someone ask, is acne a sign of pregnancy? You can now give them a basic understanding of the topic.

More tips on acne care:

  1. Acne Medication During Pregnancy – Must-Read Information