Rooibos Tea Acne Cure

Hailing from the great plains of Africa, Rooibos tea (also known as Red Tea, Bush Tea, Red Bush Tea and Mountain tea) has been discovered by Japanese scientists to have acne fighting properties. Rich in flavinoids, polyphenols and antioxidants, Rooibos is regarded as a longevity tea in Asia. Rooibos has a high amount of superoxide [...]

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Is BB Cream Good for Acne Prone Skin?

BB Cream- a tinted sunscreen cum moisturizer with all the skincare benefits of beauty serums is all the rage in Asia. It has also made its way to the West with major skincare brands such as Lancome, Estee Lauder and Garnier, all have launched their own version of BB Cream. BB Cream first created to [...]

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Thyme More Effective Than BP for Acne

While thyme may be useful for savory dishes, little did you that it is a powerful topical antibacterial ingredient. Professor Margarita Gomez Escalada and her team of researchers at the Leeds Metropolitan University have found that thyme is even even more potent than the highest strength benzoyl peroxide (BP). Vitro modeled experiments with tinctures of [...]

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To Extract or Not to Extract

Acne extraction is quite like defusing a bomb. You have to know what kind of bomb you are dealing with and kill it without detonating it. Acne comes in many forms and stages. So what can you extract and when is it best to extract? Blackheads are comedones that have oxidized oil protruding out of [...]

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Skin Needling Acne Scars – Does it Work?

After treating your last bout of acne, it is now time to deal with the trail of scars left behind. Wondering how to get rid of acne scars? The best treatment for acne scars are not for the chicken-hearted, because they do tend to hurt. One method that really looks the part is needling. Needling [...]

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Using Moisturizers Together With Acne Creams

To answer your first question, it is advisable to allow the acne cream approximately 15 minutes to be absorbed into the skin before applying your moisturizer. This allows it time to penetrate the skin and start working. Moisturizers are designed to work by preventing water loss from the surface of the skin and trapping it [...]

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Should I Use Blackhead Extractor Spoons on my Skin?

The comedone spoons you mention are designed to help squeeze the thick, wiggly type of pus from blackheads – in effect, clearing them out. It is not a matter of whether they are good or bad, it is down to each individual’s preference. However, there are dangers that the spoon may either not fully extract [...]

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Your Daily Diet and its Relationship With Acne

Scientists have found a link between acne and the foods we eat. Dairy products and sugar are found to worsen acne.You may well hear people saying they have changed what they eat and their acne has got better. While it is true that we all have different genetic makeups, we need certain nutrients for general [...]

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Using Tea Tree Oil for Acne and Pimples

Tea tree Oil is one of the few essential oils that can be used directly on the skin but, like other creams and lotions, it must always be used sparingly and, if necessary you should build up tolerance by using it only once a day. Tea tree oil can be used neat on the skin [...]

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How to Deal With Emotional Problems Caused By Acne

Acne is not just a physical problem. It can have a profound effect on people that has no relation to the severity of the condition. The way you feel about yourself can mean that, if you are having a tough time anyway, even a few spots can cause problems. Remember the good news that treating [...]

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