Acne Medication During Pregnancy – Must-Read Information

Having the proper acne medication during pregnancy is very important. As you may be pregnant you would not want to take the chance of harming the unborn baby in any way and for this to become a reality a great deal of research and consultations must be done.

While you cannot control when you get pregnant you can still look at reliable acne medication before you become pregnant. When it comes to important things such as a pregnancy women tend to plan in advanced, so it is no surprise that the search for the appropriate acne medication for the 9 months of pregnancy is done way before getting pregnant.

It is very important that the medication is not harmful in anyway especially during the first month. At this point in time the unborn baby is most vulnerable and be damaged easily. It is extremely important that you consult with your doctor before making any serious decisions on acne medication during pregnancy. Some of the medications which are safe for expecting mothers are azelaic acid, clindamycin, erythromiycin and oral contraceptive pills.

Clindamycin and erythromycin may or may not be very effective. This is so because bacteria are able to build up a strong resistance to any antibiotics after a period of time. So while it may be very safe to use during pregnancy it may lose the effect it has over a period of time. Azelaic acid is known to have very little risk but has no official human studies. It is generally believed by women that contraceptive pills can harm the fetus but studies have shown that these pills pose no higher risk to the unborn baby as in normal cases.

Of course there will be harmful acne medication during pregnancy but these medications won’t advertise that it may be harmful or may do so in fine print. There are various prescription medications, oral retinoid, topical and antibiotics which should be avoided by anyone pregnant. Retinoid are usually made with vitamin a and should always be avoided during a pregnancy.

The risk posed from these drugs is that the ingredients may be absorbed into the bloodstream and skin and in turn can cause birth defects. Other retinoid such as isotretinoin can be very dangerous and should be the furthest thing from any pregnant woman. It is normally used for cystic acne and is 100% banned from pregnancy use.

A simple way to put it is that by using this drug you are increasing your chances of having a miscarriage. No woman wants to ever experience a miscarriage and for this it s clear to see than an extensive amount of research must be done before you consume any acne medication during pregnancy. If however you are not pregnant and are currently using one of these drugs then STOP at once.

These drugs take time to be totally removed from your body and should not be anywhere near the unborn child. Remember that all these can be avoided once you consult with your doctor and even get a second opinion before using any acne medications.

More tips on acne care:

  1. Is Acne a Sign of Pregnancy?