Rooibos Tea Acne Cure

Hailing from the great plains of Africa, Rooibos tea (also known as Red Tea, Bush Tea, Red Bush Tea and Mountain tea) has been discovered by Japanese scientists to have acne fighting properties. Rich in flavinoids, polyphenols and antioxidants, Rooibos is regarded as a longevity tea in Asia. Rooibos has a high amount of superoxide dimutase, a natural building block for skin cells. Drinking Rooibos regularly helps your body fend off free radicals which causes aging. Rooibos is also has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammation and anti-tumor properties can be benefited from by taking it orally or applied topically.

Rooibos is naturally caffeine-free which makes all the its health benefits accessible to everyone all  throughout the day. It can be safely consumed by children, pregnant women and caffeine-sensitive individuals. Rooibos does not contain oxalic acid so it is also safe for people prone to kidney stones.

Rooibos tea for acne helps protect the body from allergies and skin rashes. Other than giving drinkers a natural immunity boost, Rooibos tea is also a muscle relaxant which alleviates stomach cramping and aids digestion with its natural enzymes. In a recent scientific style, scientists have experimented on lab-grown poison dart frogs with regular store bought Rooibos tea. The dart frogs gained a special immunity to the chytridiomycosis virus due to Rooibos’s high anti-fungal agent.

How Rooibos benefits acne:

1) High levels of alpha hydroxy acid, superoxide dismutase and zinc for skin regeneration

2) polyphenols for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action

3) live enzymes that aid digestion of proteins and can help with bowel disorders such as irritation bowel syndrom

4) Mineral dense with zinc, copper, calcium, magnesium, flouride, magnesium and potassium for bone and tissue formation

5) Relief of allergic skin and internal inflammation as acne, rosacea fever, asthma, eczema

The Rooibos acne cure consists of replacing drinking water as it is caffeine free. Rooibos tea can be added to savory dishes and marinades. You can easily brew a fresh cup of tea to create your own Rooibos skin treatment. Simply apply Rooibos tea on a cotton pad and dab it all over your face. You can also buy paper/cotton facial mask tablets which soaks up the tea and can be used as daily face mask. Another Rooibos acne treatment is a deep cleansing mask. Add Rooibos tea to powdered kaolin, Matcha green tea powder or European clay to create paste and leave it on your face for 10 minutes before rinsing off. Rooibos acne remedies include fight bacteria and free radicals on the skin.

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