Acne and Eczema

How to use Tamanu Oil for Acne

Tamanu oil for acne has been a traditional treatment in Polynesia and South East Asia. Scientific research of Doctor Jenson and Professor Lederer have found that Tamanu Oil or Calophyllum Inophyllum oil is rich in fatty acid- Calophyllic acid, an antibiotic and antibacterial lactone as well as an anti-inflammatory agent called calophyllolide. Applying virgin tamau [...]

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How to Get Rid of Redness from Acne

When looking into how can you get rid of acne, you will most definitely come across troubling redness caused by acne pimple growths. Redness caused by Rosacea, another skin condition which causes flushing of facial skin is sometimes mistaken as acne redness. The redness caused by acne and pimples looks different compared to Rosacea. With acne redness, a [...]

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