Cystic Acne Home Remedy – Best Remedy for Cystic Acne

A lot of people, particularly the young generation, are very much particular on how their skin looks. Since overall fitness and appearance matter a lot these days, it is normal for a person to feel embarrassed and become image conscious especially if that person is suffering from cystic acne.

Are you one of these people? Do you suffer from cystic acne? If you do, do not lose hope as there are several ways to get your hands on a cystic Acne home remedy and all of them are guaranteed to help you out.

There are of course, several types of medication as well as medical treatments to correct this condition. And of course, there are the equally reliable home remedies that you can try for yourself. But first, as we always have to ask, what is a cystic acne and what are the different ways to treat it and have an improved complexion?

Cystic acne is one type of very severe acne that occurs because of the eruption of the pimple and what is beneath the pimples’ surface. Here are a few home remedies you can try:

  • Aspirin and Honey. First, you wash your face with your usual product and then you carefully exfoliate your skin with a paste made of crushed aspirin and water. After doing so, rinse your face thoroughly. Moisturise your face with honey by dabbing a cotton ball and applying it to your face. Leave for a few minutes and then rinse your face thoroughly.
  • Baking Soda. This works by removing excess oils from the skin. Mix with water and apply to your skin. You could also try to mix a small amount of sea salt which turns to be a very effective cystic acne home remedy.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar. Hands down as one of the most useful and effective home remedies that helps treat all types of acne. The acid in the apple cider helps stabilize the pH balance of your skin thus helping combat acne very quickly.
  • Mango and lemon water when applied to the face and left on for a little bit of time helps to maintain your skin’s moisture and improving your complexion.
  • Make it a point to wash your face with clean water and mild facial cleanser.
  • If you wear makeup, do not ever, under any circumstances, leave it on for the entire night. Make sure that no matter how tired you are, you take the time to remove all traces of cosmetics in your face.
  • Stay away from greasy chips, chocolates and oily food in general.
  • Always drink lots of water and eat plenty of fruits every day.
  • Make it a point to sleep well. Make sure you always get at least eight hours of sleep each night.

Cystic Acne is certainly a difficult condition especially for young people. But it is not incurable. As mentioned above, there are several types of cystic acne home remedy that you can try. Make sure that you consult with your physician first though before you do one of these by yourself.

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