Raw Foods for Rapid Healing

When I was a teenager I had acne and was on and off antibiotics for 2-3 years and in the third year I even took Accutane. As a young adult, it worked and I was clear for a year or so and then the zits returned with vengeance. I was frustrated and depressed. Rather than [...]

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Best Concealers for Acne

Finding the best concealer for acne prone skin takes a lot of trial and error. However, the pay off is not short of incredible because once you have found the one, you will never look back. The best acne concealer is able to cover up acne and conceal acne scars at the same time without [...]

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Constipation and Acne

Can constipation cause acne? Yes, clearing bowels regularly can contribute a great deal to having clear skin. Toxins that fail to exit through the gut will inevitably have to come out through the pores of the skin. Acne constipation or digestive-related acne often appears around the jawline and neck areas. Constipation acne is one of [...]

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Best Lotions for Acne Prone Skin

Similar to facial lotion for acne prone skin, toners for oily skin contain herbal extracts suspended in water with astringent properties. These lotions control oil and refine pores. A toner is included in a proper skincare regime to prepare the skin for better absorption of nutrients in moisturizers. Toners should be applied on freshly cleansed [...]

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Copper Peptides For Acne Scars – Why it Works

Copper peptide is an acne scar treatment. It is one of the most effective ways of getting rid of acne marks when used concurrently with tissue remodeling  acid peels and needling. Many Independent clinical studies have found copper peptides for skin to be more effective than retinoid (retin-A) and Vitamin C in assisting wound healing [...]

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The Best Moisturizer for Acne Prone and Oily Skin Types

If you have oily skin, you’re really blessed. People with oily skin tend to age better as the oils protects you from wrinkling prematurely. However, the biggest dilemma for oily skin types is balanced hydration. Oily skin types tend to get dehydrated easily due to over-zealous washing and under-moisturizing. This causes the face to produce [...]

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Acupuncture And Acne

Acupuncture for acne is a highly effective answer for how to treat acne. Unlike Western medicine that usually suppresses the symptoms fast but not without side effects, acupuncture therapy delivers a safer and permanent cure for acne. This ancient Chinese alternative medicine targets the meridian points with fine, sterile needles, restoring harmony in the body [...]

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Essential Oils for Acne

The use of essential oil for acne has been practiced by all cultures as a home remedy for acne. Acne- a skin condition where sebaceous glands become overactive and secretes more oil than usual, can be effectively controlled by the use of therapeutic essential oils. Pure essential oils are oils extracted from flowers and plants. [...]

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How to Get Rid of Pimple on Eyelid

A stye (or sty) is an eyelid pimple. It happens when the oil glands on the eyelid becomes infected. The sty may manifest on the surrounding eye area, either as a pimple on lower eyelid or pimple on upper eyelid. The stye in eye is a pimple in the eyelid. Stys also can appear as a pimple inside eyelid [...]

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How to use Tamanu Oil for Acne

Tamanu oil for acne has been a traditional treatment in Polynesia and South East Asia. Scientific research of Doctor Jenson and Professor Lederer have found that Tamanu Oil or Calophyllum Inophyllum oil is rich in fatty acid- Calophyllic acid, an antibiotic and antibacterial lactone as well as an anti-inflammatory agent called calophyllolide. Applying virgin tamau [...]

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