Clindamycin Acne Treatment- Is it Right for You?

When considering antibiotics for acne, there are many antiboitics to choose from. One of the most effective antibiotic for acne is the clindamycin phosphate acne treatment. Clindamycin for acne is as well received as doxycycline acne treatments, and also has less complications when compared to tetracycline for acne.

Your answer to how to clear acne may be in an intensive antibiotics acne treatment program. Many people turn to antibiotics to get rid of acne fast and are successful in reducing or curing their acne.

Unfortunately, the acne vulgaris bacteria is known be particularly resistant. It can easily gain immunity from antibiotics given some time of contact with them. In cases with antibiotics for acne, it is highly likely that there will be a return trip to your dermatologist for him/her to prescribe another antibiotic you haven’t tried before.

Clindamycin has anti-bacteria effects against acne bacteria. It also has sebum dissolving functions that may reduce oil on skin for up to 25%. Clindamycin can be taken orally or applied topically. Topical clindamycin for acne is the more commonly tolerated of the two. Clindamycin acne topical is most effective when paired with benzoyl peroxide or retinod adapalene than when used alone. Some clindamycin cream acne solutions with benzoyl peroxide in the market are Acanya, BenzaClin and Duac. With adapalene, applying a layer of adapalene  cream 3–5 minutes before using a clindamycin gel for acne will help the latter better penetrate into the skin.

A topical antibiotic prepared with benzoyl peroxide for acne is the type of acne cream you should start with. Similar with retinod Differin, some users of clindamycin report an initial purging period where their acne seem to worsen before seeing any improvements.

Clindamycin can also be taken orally. The side effects of clindamycin are more likely to manifest for people on the oral form of the drug. These side effects include vomitting, diarrhea and nausea. Try to avoid lying down 30 minutes after taking it to avoid the side effects and the possibility of heartburn. A rash or swelling could also be an indication of an allergy to the antibiotic.

Your dermatologist would most likely start with a dose of  75 – 150 mg, taken twice a day. Long term usage of this drug can lead to a serious intestinal infection called pseudomembranous colitis. So be sure to take a powerful probiotic supplement to counteract this.

Be aware that all types of antibiotics can lead to candida vaginal yeast infections especially in women. Women who are on birth control pills should avoid taking clindamycin as it can reduce the efficiency of birth control pills. Clindamycin are marketed as Cleocin T, Clindets, Evoclin, ClindaMax, Clindagel, Clinda-Derm, ClindaReach and Z-Clinz.

Please consider natural remedies for acne before taking antibiotics for acne.  The causes of acne are a combination of one’s inherent genetic disposition and a bad lifestyle. Stress, sleep, exercise, nutrition deficiencies all contribute to acne. Clindamycin antibiotics, like all antibiotics require long term treatment. You should probably use this downtime to get back your health back on track, so that when you do get off antibiotics, your body will be stronger and more resilient against P. acne bacteria. This reduce the chances of acne returning.

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  1. Tetracycline Acne treatment – Learn More About it
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