Chinese Acne Treatment – Does it Really Work?

Chinese Acne Treatment is a great alternative approach to eliminate acne once and for all. Treatment is slower than western medicine but steady and extremely effective. You will see results last a lifetime because Chinese Acne Treatment targets the root causes of acne- damp heat in the bodily organs.

Chinese acne treatment approaches acne in a wholly different way than Western acne medication. Chinese Acne Treatment holistically balances out the yin/yang balance in the body with traditional Chinese herbs, acupuncture and a prescribed diet to cure acne.

When you go to a Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) doctor, he will first listen to your pulse to diagnose how your internal organs are functioning and how your life essence or ‘chi’ is circulating in your system. Next he will take your blood pressure and tell you what is wrong in your system and causing your acne problem.

Acupuncture is one of the oldest traditional methods to treat acne and other bodily dysfunctions. Acupuncture in Chinese Acne Treatment involves the use of sterilized needles tapped precisely into the vital points of the nervous system. Depending on the severity of your acne, the TCM physician might use electric transmitters on the needles to sent jolts through to your circuitry system for quicker results.

Treating acne using acupuncture is actually a really safe and effective way to treat acne problems as they effectively target points in the body that are acne-prone causes such as the large intestines and spleen.

These vital points are connected to other parts of the body on hands and limbs so the TCM physicians will put majority of the needles on alternative points on the limbs. Acupuncture administered by a seasoned physician is actually very relaxing not not as scary as it seems.

Your TCM physician is most likely to concoct a variety of Chinese herbs together to treat your acne infections and cleanse your body’s internal excess heat. In Chinese Acne Treatment, he will most likely list out herbs like Loquat leaf, Dried rehmannia root, Mulberry bark, Red peony root, Capejasmine fruit, Moutan bark, Prunella spike, Coptis root and the likes to help detoxify your body.

These herbs can come pre-prepared in liquid, pill or in their raw herbal form. You might have to also purchase a clay pot or slow-cooker to soak, simmer and boil these herbs. Preparation time takes about two hours for a clay pot or 3-4 hours for a slow cooker.

Chinese acne healing methods also incorporates a healthy diet into their acne healing regime. The TCM physician will advise you to eat some foods that prevents acne and avoid certain foods that trigger acne. Some acne relieving foods are squash, celery, carrots (including leaves), potato, cabbage, mung beans, lettuce, pears, papaya, melons, dandelions, sprouts and cucumbers.

Drink lots of water will help flush out toxins too. You will also be advised to consume less of these acne-promoting foods such as deep fried or oily foods, spicy foods, red meats, shellfish, white mushrooms, dairy products and bamboo shoots.

Chinese acne treatment takes discipline on your part but the effects are long term. Following the instructions of your TCM doctor by taking your prescribed Chinese Traditional Medicine, restricting your diet and going for acupuncture therapy will guarantee your recovery from acne for good.

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More tips on acne care:

  1. Acupuncture And Acne
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne – Does it Work?
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