Microdermabrasion for Acne Scars – Does it Really Work?

Microdermabrasion for acne scars is a safe, cost-effective, convenient method of treatment. It works by exfoliating the surface skin area, revealing the under layers of the skin. The results are softer, smoother skin as the under layers heal over.

The application of microdermabrasion extends to several sessions and you would find that the the acne scars will be removed after the old skin heals over several times. Microdermabrasion work best on superficial acne scars and deep pitted scars will need more tan 10 treatments to see a significant difference.

An acne sufferer will usually have a combination of acne scars so microdermabrasion will help eliminate majority of the superficial ones while improving the appearance of the deep pitted ones.

There is also a consideration of time when working with your acne scars. Collagen is the essential building block for skin’s elasticity and ability to heal itself. The older you get the less collagen your body produces, thus making it harder for it to heal scars.

It is also more difficult to remove scars as they age. The skin elastically will be greatly reduced in age and already existent scars will be even more apparent as the skin layer underneath the scar deflates.

Scientific research has found that increasing estrogen directly while vitamin C indirectly affects collagen production. Taking foods and supplements high in estrogen and vitamin C helps your body heal itself more effectively. Remember to wear sunblock while undergoing microdermabrasion treatment as the skin gets especially sensitive to sunlight during the tender healing stages.

Home treatments for microdermabrasion which are widely available in the market closely match up to their professional counterparts as they are a cheaper yet effective option if used on a regular basis over a period of over a month.

However, their effectiveness has a limit when it comes to deep pitted scars. Home kits do not have the breath of effectiveness to penetrate into deeper levels of the skin unlike professional level microdermabrasion with more advanced machinery.

As far as microdermabrasion for acne scars goes, dermatological grade microdermabrasion machines work far better than beauty spa grade ones as their penetration abilities are usually more powerful than the latter.

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More tips on acne care:

  1. How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Forever
  2. Will Creams or Vitamin E Help to Cure Acne Scars?
  3. Identifying Different Types of Acne Scars
  4. Skin Needling Acne Scars – Does it Work?
  5. How to Get Rid of Pimple Scars – What Really Works!