BlueMD, Acne Blue Light Therapy Treatment is the latest dermatologist-grade, FDA approved blue light therapy device that can be used in the comfort of your own home. Blue light therapy is clinically proven by the American Academy of Dermatology to reduce the signs of acne inflammation by 55%.
This is achievable because blue light promotes the elimination of acne bacteria, P. vulgaris. Blue light therapy also aids the skin healing process. Many sufferers of moderate to severe acne have tried the treatment and noticed the dramatic difference with their acne condition with 20 minute sessions, three times a week.
Blue MD is an enjoyable equipment to use. It works virtually like a desktop lamp in which you shine on your face while you relax to music, chat on the phone or go for an energizing power nap for 20 minutes.
BlueMD - Acne Blue Light Therapy Treatment |
Overall Rating: |
Retail Price: $239.00 |
Amazon Price: $199.00 |
Many buyers and users have touted the device to have gradually healed their acne and reduced the occurrence of acne inflammations when used regularly. Users of BlueMD have also noticed their pores shrinking and overall improvement to their skin condition.
Some also reported the halt on taking prescriptive medications and relied only on BlueMD to maintain their healed, acne-free complexion. Blue MD can also be used on other parts of the body other than the face. Just place it over troubled spots and turn the light on and it will do the rest for you.
This is useful for people who have chest and back acne. BlueMD has a swivel head that allows you flexibility in its placement. All you need after treatment is a dollop of moisturizer and you’re set for the day.
I would recommend trying the BlueMD as an effective acne treatment over antibiotics as it is safer and does not have the risk of being counterproductive as a compatible antibiotic must be prescribed if not it may worsen the acne reaction.
Prolong use of antibiotics is also detrimental to your overall immune system and usually cause a reliance on stronger dose of antibiotics to control future flare-ups.
External blue light therapy is safe and produces long term results with no maintenance involved. Trophy Skin is a respectable brand in skin treatment technology.
Blue MD also comes with a 30 Day money back guarantee so you need not worry about being stuck with a terminal that does not up to your expectations. Give BlueMD a try and chances are, you will never need other forms of acne treatments ever again!
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