Essential Oils for Acne

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The use of essential oil for acne has been practiced by all cultures as a home remedy for acne. Acne- a skin condition where sebaceous glands become overactive and secretes more oil than usual, can be effectively controlled by the use of therapeutic essential oils. Pure essential oils are oils extracted from flowers and plants. Most therapeutic grade essential oils have a high plant active potency which can be a bit too strong to be used on its own. However, when mixed in with carrier oils, they make an exceptional oil controlling and calming acne treatment. The skin can slurp up every bit of plant actives while the a good carrier oil provides a regenerative and moisturizing base for your skin to heal from acne.

Essential oils uses include mind calming and body relaxing but can triple as a powerful, natural skin treatment. Aromatherapy essential oils can be diluted in water and placed in a diffuser so plant aromas can be inhaled. Alternatively, applying them on the skin allows your body to absorb the benefits on a cellular level. Acne essential oils have antibacterial, antiseptic and astringent qualities that help fight infection and curb oil secretion. Applying or inhaling them also helps relieve stress and helps your body eliminate toxins.

Here is our essential oils guide for the best essential oil for acne:

1. Manuka oil for acne- Manuka oil is extracted from the nuts of the Ati Tree, a relative of Tea tree. It contains potent antiviral and regenerative properties which help defect acne bacteria and promote scar healing. It is one of the top essential oils for acne scars.

2. Tea tree oil for acne-  tea tree essential oil is very effective in fighting Acne P. bacteria. Topical application of tea tree alone can literally obliterate all bacteria causing the infection and dry out the pimple at the same time. Caution should be used when using tea tree oil acne tinctures in full strength as it can be very drying , much like its chemical form- benzoyl peroxide.

3. Lavender oil for acne – As an anti-inflammatory, lavender essential oil helps skin heal from acne and provides good anti-bacteria action. lavender essential oil acne treatments are very calming and oil balancing for the skin as well.

4. Neroli essential oil – A great antiseptic against acne bacteria and can suppress acne bacteria from taking over your face.

5. Helichrysum essential oil- Like lavender and manuka essential oils, helichrysum essential oil are great wound healers. Helichrysum extract contains di-ketones which has tissue regenerative properties.

6. Bergamot and lemon essential oil-  Both citrusy extracts helps cut oil secretion tremendously. They can cause sun sensitivity though. So wear sunscreen when u use them.

7. Geranium and rose essential oil- Both types of essential oils help regulate oil secretion and is nourishing and softening at the same time. Use them to enhance healing effects.

8. Eucalyptus essential oil- Reduces oil production and has anti-viral effects to ward off acne bacteria.

9. Cederwood essential oil- Regulates oil secretion.

You can create your own essential oils blends by researching essential oil recipes. Simple obtain a few of these natural oils for acne and dissolve a 3-4 drops of these into a bottle of carrier oil. Jojoba oil and carrot oil are the best carrier oils for acne as jojoba helps fight acne bacteria and carrot oil is high in beta carotene which speeds up wound healing. These oils sinks into the skin immediately, delivering all the goodness of every acne essential oil you’ve blended with. Buy essential oils, especially organic essential oils if you can. They make a great difference to the potency of the product.

If you are wondering where to buy essential oils, your nearest whole foods store is a good place to start. They might not have the whole range of essential oils acne busters so you should try looking for a credible online essential oil retailer. Amazon is a good place to buy cheap essential oils that are of organic quality.

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More tips on acne care:

  1. How to use Tamanu Oil for Acne
  2. Emu oil for Acne and Acne Scars
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  4. Using Tea Tree Oil for Acne and Pimples
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