Homeopathy is an approach to medicine in which it is believed that the symptoms of a disease are caused by the body’s way of fighting the disease. Homoeopaths try to alter this effect by stimulating the healing mechanisms using special remedies.
The remedies are based on substances that might produce the same symptoms (e.g. spots and inflammation) but are diluted many, many times so that no more than a trace of the substance is left. The treatment is safe and usually free from side-effects, although it can sometimes produce a flare-up if the wrong dilution is used first.
Acne is a condition that can be helped by homeopathy if used by experienced practitioners. A homoeopath will look at you as a person and decide what type of constitution you have. This takes into account how you react to things and what type of personality you have, helping to decide which remedy you should be given.
Homoeopaths like to see you for an initial consultation and then for three or four follow-up appointments. This should take a total of about six months. As with other acne treatments, there is a lag time of around two months before they begin to show results but, if you respond, the six months of treatment should be enough.
Remember to give the treatments you are prescribed at least two months to work. If, however, after this period of time, you do not see a noticeable improvement, you should ask for a different treatment or accept that homeopathy may not be suitable for you on this occasion.
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