Lemon Juice for Acne- Acne Lemon Juice Water Cure

Among the many adult acne treatments, one of the best acne treatments is the plain and simple lemon! As a super sour lip plucker, lemons are touted for their uncanny ability to treat acne. Used externally, lemon juice on face can help clear pores, shrink them and lemon juice acne scars to death. (Yesirre… by bleach them out of existence). When used internally, it can spruce up our digestive system, decongest clogged intestines by aiding in the break down of proteins and fat. As one of the best treatment for acne, a lemon or two can really make a difference in your acne removal regime.

Lemon juice skin treatments are popular because they are convenient and an effective natural source of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA). Concentrated with fresh critic acid, lemon juice on skin acts as an strong astringent and blemish removal properties. One of the easiest acne remedies at home for face and body acne is by using diluted lemon juice as a toner. After washing your face, apply a solution of 1 part lemon juice to 3 parts water on your face. Gradually, increase the percentage of lemon juice over water after your skin has adapted to the acidity. Follow up with an oil free moisturizer and acne cream.

Of all the acne treatments that work, applying pure lemon juice for pimples is certainly NOT one. Undiluted lemon juice has a very acidic pH value and can potentially irritate your skin instead of aiding its healing. Yes, lemon juice for scars can make it fade faster but it can backfire as a treatment for cystic acne. Lemon juice can be too caustic a substance for cystic acne and open wounds and make it harder for your skin form new layers.

Drinking lemon juice for acne is one of best natural acne cures you can try. Many acne sufferers swears by drinking lemon juice. Lemon juice acne detox plans is probably the best product for acne that is free and really good for you. Unless you have a weak stomach or stomach acidity problems, drinking lemon juice diluted with water is one of the many excellent cures for acne. Another recommended dietary implementation is fish oil.

Lemons sits on the top of the list of remedies for acne. As a mighty powerful acne cure and acne marks treatment, the humble lemon can do wonders for your skin. You know what they say, when life give you lemons, juice’em! Just remember to add water.

Incoming search terms:

  • lemon juice cystic acne
  • juicing for cystic acne
  • lemon curing pimples

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