Removing Acne Scars

Basic Introduction to Treating Acne Scars

If you are of the skin type most likely to scar as a result of acne, it may be that even the best physical treatment could leave you with different but just as ugly scars. You really have to spend a lot of time talking to people who have a special interest in acne and [...]

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Best Lotions for Acne Prone Skin

Similar to facial lotion for acne prone skin, toners for oily skin contain herbal extracts suspended in water with astringent properties. These lotions control oil and refine pores. A toner is included in a proper skincare regime to prepare the skin for better absorption of nutrients in moisturizers. Toners should be applied on freshly cleansed [...]

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Copper Peptides For Acne Scars

Copper peptide is an acne scar treatment. It is one of the most effective ways of getting rid of acne marks when used concurrently with tissue remodeling  acid peels and needling. Many Independent clinical studies have found copper peptides for skin to be more effective than retinoid (retin-A) and Vitamin C in assisting wound healing [...]

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Essential Oils for Acne

The use of essential oil for acne has been practiced by all cultures as a home remedy for acne. Acne- a skin condition where sebaceous glands become overactive and secretes more oil than usual, can be effectively controlled by the use of therapeutic essential oils. Pure essential oils are oils extracted from flowers and plants. [...]

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How to use Tamanu Oil for Acne

Tamanu oil for acne has been a traditional treatment in Polynesia and South East Asia. Scientific research of Doctor Jenson and Professor Lederer have found that Tamanu Oil or Calophyllum Inophyllum oil is rich in fatty acid- Calophyllic acid, an antibiotic and antibacterial lactone as well as an anti-inflammatory agent called calophyllolide. Applying virgin tamau [...]

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Emu oil for Acne and Acne Scars

If you are into natural remedies for acne, you would probably have heard of Emu oil. Emu oil benefits the skin tremendously because of its inherent anti-inflammatory, anti-bacteria and regenerative properties. Emu oil for acne is a popular cure because it works very well as an acne treatment. Emu oil uses include treatment for many [...]

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Manuka Honey For Acne

Manuka honey is made for acne. Well, almost. Manuka honey uses include treatment of skin and internal infections, ulcers and a general immunity booster. But how to use manuka honey for acne? What is manuka honey? Raw manuka honey is harvested from hives of New Zealand. The bees make honey from wild manuka bushes also [...]

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Is Argan Oil Good for Acne?

Argan oil is famous for its moisturizing and anti-aging properties, but is argan oil suitable for acne prone skin?  Argan oil acne treatments are said to be as effective as a moisturizer as extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). It is also more stable and resistant to oxidation compared to EVOO. Argan hair oil deeply nourishes it and [...]

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Coconut Oil For Skin- The Natural Acne Cure

Many people know about the goodness of coconut oil for hair, but how about using coconut for skin? Did you know about that coconut oil is considered the miracle product for acne? Coconut oil has many microbal, anti-viral qualities that aids in the reduction of acne. Coconut oil benefits anyone with a skin or metabolism condition, [...]

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Lemon Juice for Acne- Acne Lemon Juice Water Cure

Among the many adult acne treatments, one of the best acne treatments is the plain and simple lemon! As a super sour lip plucker, lemons are touted for their uncanny ability to treat acne. Used externally, lemon juice on face can help clear pores, shrink them and lemon juice acne scars to death. (Yesirre… by [...]

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