Acne Diet and Nutrition

Thyme More Effective Than BP for Acne

While thyme may be useful for savory dishes, little did you that it is a powerful topical antibacterial ingredient. Professor Margarita Gomez Escalada and her team of researchers at the Leeds Metropolitan University have found that thyme is even even more potent than the highest strength benzoyl peroxide (BP). Vitro modeled experiments with tinctures of [...]

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Your Daily Diet and its Relationship With Acne

Scientists have found a link between acne and the foods we eat. Dairy products and sugar are found to worsen acne.You may well hear people saying they have changed what they eat and their acne has got better. While it is true that we all have different genetic makeups, we need certain nutrients for general [...]

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Raw Foods for Rapid Healing

When I was a teenager I had acne and was on and off antibiotics for 2-3 years and in the third year I even took Accutane. As a young adult, it worked and I was clear for a year or so and then the zits returned with vengeance. I was frustrated and depressed. Rather than [...]

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Constipation and Acne

Can constipation cause acne? Yes, clearing bowels regularly can contribute a great deal to having clear skin. Toxins that fail to exit through the gut will inevitably have to come out through the pores of the skin. Acne constipation or digestive-related acne often appears around the jawline and neck areas. Constipation acne is one of [...]

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Is Argan Oil Good for Acne?

Argan oil is famous for its moisturizing and anti-aging properties, but is argan oil suitable for acne prone skin?  Argan oil acne treatments are said to be as effective as a moisturizer as extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). It is also more stable and resistant to oxidation compared to EVOO. Argan hair oil deeply nourishes it and [...]

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Coconut Oil For Skin- The Natural Acne Cure

Many people know about the goodness of coconut oil for hair, but how about using coconut for skin? Did you know about that coconut oil is considered the miracle product for acne? Coconut oil has many microbal, anti-viral qualities that aids in the reduction of acne. Coconut oil benefits anyone with a skin or metabolism condition, [...]

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Omega 3 Fish Oil for Acne

Many people consume fish oil for acne. Research has also shown that fish oil and acne are hugely related. So how does fish oil help acne? Apparently, fish oil supplements are rich in Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which are crucial materials for hormonal metabolism. Both EPA and DHA suppress inflammation in the [...]

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Vitamin B5 Helps Fight Acne by Regulating Your Hormones

Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid is an essential vitamin for humans.  Vitamin B5’s main role is to help synthesize coenzyme A and process proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Scientific research has found vitamin B5 to be highly effective against hormone related acne.  In Dr. Lit-Hung Leung’s 1995 study, Asian male and female subjects were administered high [...]

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Foods that Cause Acne – Stay Away from Them!

Food nourishes us and gives us energy for the day. But what if the foods we eat are causing us problems instead? Acne is an inflammatory disease that can worsen when we partake in foods that we’re allergic to. Eating such foods will  trigger an SOS response to the immune systems, causing inflammation. Unless you’ve clinically checked [...]

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Does Dairy Cause Acne? Find Out Now!

“Yes,” says Canadian dermatologist Dr. F.W. Danby. Dr. Danby found the link between dairy and acne- hormones. Milk from pregnant cows are naturally infused with high levels of hormones during its menstrual cycle. Farmed cows are pregnant most of their lives to produce milk for mass consumption. Cows are injected with additional recombinant bovine growth [...]

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