Raw Foods for Rapid Healing

When I was a teenager I had acne and was on and off antibiotics for 2-3 years and in the third year I even took Accutane. As a young adult, it worked and I was clear for a year or so and then the zits returned with vengeance. I was frustrated and depressed. Rather than overdosing my liver with truckloads of Vitamin A in Accutane, I sought natural alternatives instead.

Off the counter anti-acne treatments failed me. The next most obvious factor was the diet. I speculated that the lacto-ovo vegetarian version of the Standard American Diet was harmful. I was right. I scanned the internet in search of the root causes for acne; the common main offenders being gluten in wheat flour and hormonal imbalances caused by insulin spikes from sugar.

I had to abandon all processed junk food, soy burgers, cheese, frozen pizzas, fries and my favourite desserts.

I also chanced upon Wai’s Acne Sample Diet that recommended eating raw, unprocessed foods. Thinking that I had nothing to lose, I went on the vegan version of it: avocado-cucumber-tomato salads, raw fruit and nuts. Within 3 days my zits dried up and in a week’s time I was pimple-free. I was thrilled by the results but struggled on the diet as the craving for sweets and cooked food sets in.

Eating raw all the time can be difficult. However, eating greens raw or not isn’t so tough. The key to get rid of acne fast is to cleanse your body. Eat a lot of wholegrain fibre and vegetables which are rich in chlorophyll, a natural blood cleanser. Drink a lot of raw beetroot juice (green apple, beetroot and celery is an excellent juice combo) for blood cleansing. Raw juicing every morning will provide nutrient rich servings of fruits and vegetables. But do go slow on the amount of sugar you add into your diet, even from fruits! Choose low sugar fruits such as green apple, grapefruit, gauva, dragon fruit, kiwi, lemons and limes.

You can also add fresh dandelion, kale, lettuce, asparagus, broccoli and other greens into your juices. You can make them into lightly stewed soups as well. There are many ways to eat your greens but make sure you do that so you can cure acne for good!

Combined with a regular exercise routine and sufficient sleep, you can definitely get clear in no time!



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More tips on acne care:

  1. Foods that Cause Acne – Stay Away from Them!
  2. Will Eating Soybeans Help to Cure Acne?
  3. Acne Free Diet – What You Should Eat and Avoid
  4. Your Daily Diet and its Relationship With Acne
  5. What is a Good Home Remedy for Acne?