Acne Free Diet – What You Should Eat and Avoid

What you put in your mouth can make all the difference in whether or not you have active or inactive acne. Foods that cause internal inflammation are the same foods that exaggerate acne breakouts. An acne free diet plan is essential for fighting and preventing acne.

Inflammation-causing foods are those that trigger a rapid rise in blood-sugar levels. When this happens, the pancreas gland excretes insulin. The insulin lowers the blood-sugar levels back to a healthy range, but in the process, the body experiences inflammation.

You can avoid inflammation by simply not eating the foods that cause this rapid rise in blood-sugar levels. Foods that are low on the glycemic index are the best for you to eat. High-glycemic foods are the worst for you to eat.

Other inflammation-causing foods are any foods you are allergic to. Don’t eat those foods. Eating them can trigger active acne.

Here are the foods to avoid:

  • Any kind of soda, both caffeinated and noncaffeinated, both diet and regular.
  • Bread made with enriched or refined or white flour, including muffins, cookies,
  • rice crackers, and crackers. You can eat whole grains and whole grain breads,
  • providing that the ingredients don’t contain enriched or white flour.
  • Refined cereals and grains, such as breakfast cereals, both hot and cold. You can
  • eat unrefined grains and cereals.
  • Processed foods containing trans-fatty acids and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.
  • Dairy products, including cheese, milk, ice cream, and half and half.
  • French fries and white potatoes.
  • Coffee.
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Sugar and candy.
  • Pizza

You may be wondering what’s left to eat in this acne free diet plan. Here are some suggestions:

  • Meats, fish, poultry, seafood. Don’t fry, but rather bake, grill, broil, or lightly sauté without breading.
  • Vegetables. Bake, steam, broil, but don’t fry. You can eat up to 10 servings a day.
  • White potatoes don’t count as a vegetable. You simply can’t go wrong eating green vegetables.
  • Fruit, with the exception of highly acidic fruits such as lemon, lime, grapefruits, and oranges.
  • Nuts and seeds in their natural state—not highly salted. Avoid processed nut butters and instead use the natural types available at the health food store.
  • Decaf tea and herbal teas.
  • Eggs.
  • Olive oil.
  • Breads and cereals made from whole grains.

These foods aren’t low carb, as the list contains plenty of good carbs, such as fruits and vegetables, but they definitely are low starch. Starches can cause inflammation. The secret to making these foods work the best is to eat 5 to 10 servings of vegetables and/or fruits every day. They provide fiber and they give you plenty of antioxidants that nourish your skin.

What you can eat sparingly:

  • Dark chocolate
  • Decaf coffee
  • Honey
  • Butter
  • Heavy cream

As you can see from the preceding lists, there’s plenty of fabulous food you can eat. Even the fast- food restaurants are now offering foods with higher levels of nutrition, such as main-dish salads and hamburgers without the buns.

Can you get by with cheating a bit on your anti-eruption diet? Yes, a bit. Meaning that if you want a couple—say four or five French fries—once a week, you’ll be fine. If you eat them every day, you won’t like the results. Sticking to an acne free diet might not be easy in the beginning but stick to it and you’ll definitely see results!

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More tips on acne care:

  1. Your Daily Diet and its Relationship With Acne
  2. Foods that Cause Acne – Stay Away from Them!
  3. Acne Free in 3 Days Review – Does it Really Cure Acne Fast?
  4. Enzymes that Help Bust Acne
  5. Acne Myths Busted – What Really Causes Acne?