Effective Home Remedies for Curing Acne

acne home remedies for curing acneThere are many ways to deal with acne and a good way to speed up the healing process for acne are niffy home remedies. Here are a list of home remedies for curing acne that really works with a dash of patience and effort.

A famous home remedy trick is to use toothpaste to reduce swelling of a painful acne outbreaks. Just dab a little on affected areas and leave them overnight. 100% natural Tea tree oil also works topically by killing off surface acne causing bacteria on the skin.

Applying a mask made from ground mint juice and its pulp mixed with 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder leaving it on for 15-30 minutes daily can smooth and calm the skin as these ingredients have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacteria properties.

A solution of 1 part lemon juice and 1 part rose water will have an astringent yet calming effect on acne troubled skin. Honey is another effective anti-bacteria agent against acne as it is a natural antiseptic and has active enzymes that work on acne inflammations. Try coupling honey with oatmeal for a gentle exfoliating after-mask scrub.

Use diluted raw apple cider vinegar (1 part vinegar to 4 parts water) as a toner after washing and masking treatments.

Oral ingestion of liquid aloe vera aids the detoxification of the digestive tract with its enzymes so that toxins get flushed out more effectively. A build up of bacteria in the digestive tract can cause acne flares as the skin tries to excrete the toxins from the pores if the digestive system is not doing its job well enough.

Your body has a natural healing mechanism that will heal itself if it gets sufficient nutrients. Be sure to load up on skin and cell regenerating vitamins and minerals such as zinc, vitamin A and E. Vitamin B5 helps break down fat so that you’ll have less sebum to be secreted on pores.

These vitamins and minerals come in their most potent form in their natural state found in vegetables and fruits but you can also get them in processed supplement forms such as tablets.

Find out the recommended dosage for your age, sex and weight and remember not to exceed the recommended dosage as an overdose of even vitamins have adverse and sometimes even life-threatening effects.

The best thing you can do to help your body along its healing process is to give all the rest and water it needs. Sleep is vital for cell regeneration and the body to recover from daily stress.

Sleep at least 8 hours a day and try bank in between the hours of 10 to 1 am when the body system is most responsive to recuperation activity. Drink at least 4 pints of water daily to assist your body in ridding of toxic buildup.

Sweating is another way to aid toxin removal so a good exercise schedule will benefit the skin as well. With all a healthy lifestyle, topical and oral home remedies for curing acne, your pimple problems can be cured for good. Be positive!

More tips on acne care:

  1. Home Remedies for Back Acne – Learn about Back Acne Remedies!
  2. Sulfur – An Effective Acne Treatment
  3. Ayurveda Remedies and Treatments for Acne
  4. Try these Helpful Acne Treatments at Home
  5. What is a Good Home Remedy for Acne?